Position | Player |
1 | Шагвалеев Р. |
2 | Хайруллов Т. |
3 | Айзатуллов Т. |
4 | Сибиряков А. |
5 | Аббазов Б. |
Number of matches | 10 |
...with score 2:0 | 10 |
Average age of athletes | 9 |
Average rating of athletes | 9 |
Position | Player |
1 | Зубков Н. |
2 | Фокин И. |
3 | Леонтьев А. |
4 | Манахов Я. |
5 | Буравкин С. |
Number of matches | 10 |
...with score 2:0 | 8 |
...with score 2:1 | 2 |
Average age of athletes | 9 |
Average rating of athletes | 10 |
Position | Player |
1 | Шагвалеев Р. |
2 | Зубков Н. |
Number of matches | 1 |
...with score 2:0 | 1 |
Average age of athletes | 9 |
Average rating of athletes | 9 |
Position | Player |
3 | Хайруллов Т. |
4 | Фокин И. |
Number of matches | 1 |
...with score 2:0 | 1 |
Average age of athletes | 9 |
Average rating of athletes | 10 |
Position | Player |
5 | Айзатуллов Т. |
6 | Леонтьев А. |
Number of matches | 1 |
...with score 2:0 | 1 |
Average age of athletes | 9 |
Average rating of athletes | 10 |
Position | Player |
7 | Сибиряков А. |
8 | Манахов Я. |
Number of matches | 1 |
...with score 2:0 | 1 |
Average age of athletes | 9 |
Average rating of athletes | 10 |
Position | Player |
9 | Буравкин С. |
10 | Аббазов Б. |
Number of matches | 1 |
Average age of athletes | 9 |
Average rating of athletes | 10 |
Position | Player |
1 | Пронин М. |
2 | Аеткулов С. |
3 | Бахтиев Р. |
4 | Фомин Г. |
5 | Алиакберов Б. |
6 | Юнусов Н. |
Number of matches | 15 |
...with score 2:0 | 14 |
...with score 2:1 | 1 |
Average age of athletes | 11 |
Average rating of athletes | 15 |
Position | Player |
1 | Потапов И. |
2 | Надеев Р. |
3 | Алехин М. |
4 | Айзатуллов Д. |
5 | Акимов С. |
6 | Дмитриев М. |
Number of matches | 15 |
...with score 2:0 | 15 |
Average age of athletes | 11 |
Average rating of athletes | 38 |
Position | Player |
1 | Потапов И. |
2 | Пронин М. |
Number of matches | 1 |
...with score 2:0 | 1 |
Average age of athletes | 11 |
Average rating of athletes | 56 |
Position | Player |
3 | Надеев Р. |
4 | Аеткулов С. |
Number of matches | 1 |
...with score 2:1 | 1 |
Average age of athletes | 11 |
Average rating of athletes | 57 |
Position | Player |
5 | Алехин М. |
6 | Бахтиев Р. |
Number of matches | 1 |
...with score 2:0 | 1 |
Average age of athletes | 11 |
Average rating of athletes | 22 |
Position | Player |
7 | Айзатуллов Д. |
8 | Фомин Г. |
Number of matches | 1 |
...with score 2:1 | 1 |
Average age of athletes | 11 |
Average rating of athletes | 11 |
Position | Player |
9 | Акимов С. |
10 | Алиакберов Б. |
Number of matches | 1 |
...with score 2:0 | 1 |
Average age of athletes | 11 |
Average rating of athletes | 10 |
Position | Player |
11 | Дмитриев М. |
12 | Юнусов Н. |
Number of matches | 1 |
...with score 2:0 | 1 |
Average age of athletes | 11 |
Average rating of athletes | 5 |
Position | Player |
1 | Шевадрова Я. |
2 | Тухфатуллина Ю. |
3 | Евтушок К. |
4 | Матвеева А. |
5 | Арисова Е. |
6 | Лапшова В. |
Number of matches | 15 |
...with score 2:0 | 12 |
...with score 2:1 | 3 |
Average age of athletes | 9 |
Average rating of athletes | 10 |
Position | Player |
1 | Гаврилова Д. |
2 | Абрамова Е. |
3 | Дрождина Д. |
Number of matches | 3 |
...with score 3:0 | 2 |
...with score 3:1 | 1 |
Average age of athletes | 11 |
Average rating of athletes | 33 |